Title of the meeting: Council Special Meeting called by the Mayor, Electronic Meeting.
Topic (s): Council will hold a special meeting to receive information about Redistricting, Development Update, and Parking Study.
In addition, a closed session may be called to consult with an attorney in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body and to prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential or not considered a public record.
This will be an electronic meeting pursuant to N.C.G.S. ยง 143-318.13
Date and Time of Meeting: Thursday, April 22 at 5 p.m.
Means by which members of the public may access the electronic meeting:
The location and means for the public to listen to the meeting is calling 1-650-479-3207 and entering the meeting id #127 232 6499 followed by pound (#). Listeners should call the phone number, enter the meeting number and hit pound.
Physical location of certain aspects of the special meeting: Town of Cary Police Department Training Room, 120 Wilkinson Ave, Cary, NC 27513