Employees are our most important resource, and there are many ways Cary takes care of employees. The C-PHIT program addresses mind, body, and spirit throughout the year and this quarter’s offerings, featuring three monthly themes, were plentiful and supportive.
- October/Immunization Awareness
- November/ National Diabetes Month and the Great American Smokeout
- December/Staying Resilient and Eating Healthy
Throughout the fall, hundreds of employees attended seminars with topics ranging from Mindfulness to Willpower to Stress, visited informational booths to learn about Healthy Holiday tips, participated in health coaching, got a flu shot at a multitude of onsite clinics, joined the Tobacco-Free Challenge, attended monthly Lunch-and-Learns, received lifesaving information on diabetes and breast cancer, and received financial information and resources. With the ultimate goal of facilitating Total Employee Health, our employees have the opportunity to take charge of their health and well-being through many offerings tailored for them.