Town of Cary
Home MenuIn Moving Cary Forward
As we closed out 2022, something about this quarter felt a little more magical. Maybe it was all of the seasonal decorations downtown or the two skating rinks — one at the old library site and one at Fenton. Maybe it was the holiday events like the Christmas Tree Lighting or the Menorah Lighting. Or maybe it was the celebration of the countless years of service of our hardworking employees. But it is all these things combined that make us who we are. That make us Cary.
This is a natural time of year for people to reflect on their biggest successes and what they are thankful for, and this quarter there is much to report. Most notably, Council approved rezoning for Cary's first mixed-income development on Cary-owned property. This decision comes only one year after Council approved the Cary Housing Plan. A special thanks to Rep. Deborah Ross, who secured $1 million for this development as part of the FY 2023 omnibus funding package.
Also this quarter, staff planted new trees on Cary-owned sites across town to help with stormwater management. At the new homes on Trimble Avenue, Council member Lori Bush, Assistant Town Manager Danna Widmar, and a team of staff partnered with Habitat for Humanity of Wake County to plant native trees at those properties as well. In addition, I attended the Human Relations, Inclusion, and Diversity task force meeting in November to talk about the expectations for the work of the group. Finally, several local and state organizations recognized the excellence of our water and wastewater systems and several of our employees this quarter.
As I think about all we have accomplished, not only this quarter but in 2022, I am thankful for our 1,305 Cary employees, including those who celebrated milestone years of service. Also, I am thankful for the hard work and open-mindedness of our Council and for their leadership, proactivity, and desire to create a better future. Finally, I am thankful to be in a place that wants to inspire people to Live Inspired.
We look forward to providing further updates at the Council-Staff Retreat in Wilmington on Feb. 24 and 25.
Live Inspired,
Sean R. Stegall
Town Manager