With the new year came new programs and initiatives to meet employees where they are while supporting their overall health and well-being. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, additional virtual resources offered employees a myriad of ways to take care of their whole selves physically, mentally, emotionally and socially.
Employees had the opportunity to engage in Wellable, a wearable tracking program that automatically tracks exercise and allows for manual activity recording to reward employees for healthy daily activities such as walking or running, biking, step climbing or drinking water. More than 110 employees engaged in the first Wellable challenge, enhancing their physical activity, heart health and nutrition.
Alongside Wellable, the annual Choose to Lose weight loss challenge kicked off in the new year and was extended into the spring with nearly 200 participants. Participants focused on losing weight and gaining muscle through their individual weigh-ins, support from activities like the Wellable app or resources on CNET, and one-on-one personalized coaching or nutritional counseling. The challenge also offered a series of round-table seminars covering topics such as self-esteem and movement, as well as Movement Mondays and monthly meditations.
Focusing on wellness was paramount when COVID-19 required many employees work from home. A new online Finding Your Center program integrated self-care techniques into daily life by suggesting at-home daily activities, options for WebEx classes and virtual or telephonic WakeMed health coaching supplemented by a series of weekly well-being posts covering topics from “Spring Cleaning Your Mind” to a deep dive into Resilience. These tips, tricks and tools for motivation and support stretched employees’ bodies and minds.
Other important activities this quarter included a Red Cross Blood Drive and the launch of the BCBSNC Smart Shopper program, which allows convenient price comparisons for medical services and procedures to help choose the best option, with the potential to pay a lower cost and to receive a cash reward based on the overall cost savings.