Public Meeting

On May 21, 2019, staff held an open house at Crosspoint Church (6911 Carpenter Fire Station Rd, Cary 27519) to begin gathering input from property owners, the surrounding neighborhoods and interested residents. The open house format allowed staff and the Town's consultant, AECOM, to educate citizens on the purpose of the study, the physical constraints of the study area and learn about next steps in the planning process. The project team will use the public's input to work on a context-sensitive design for the study corridor.

The study's comment period closed on June 21, 2019.

Project Overview

The Town initiated the McCrimmon Parkway Extension Feasibility Study with the consulting firm AECOM in 2018. The study will develop an overall vision for the corridor and recommend appropriate transportation solutions that can accommodate future transportation and greenway needs, and serve motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. 

View Conceptual Plans

Project Background

McCrimmon Pkwy is an east/west thoroughfare extending from Yates Store Rd in Cary to NC 54 in Morrisville. The road was built in phases so missing links remain today. The Town of Morrisville is currently constructing one of those missing links, extending the roadway from NC 54 to Aviation Pkwy. The extension in the Town of Morrisville is expected to open in 2019.

In the Town of Cary, another gap in the network exists between NC 55 and Louis Stephens Drive. The Imagine Cary Community Plan proposes a four-lane divided street with landscaped median, including wide outside lane and sidewalks on both sides. This future extension approximately one mile long will cross the CSX tracks and grade separated crossing at the Kit Creek greenway.  Completing the connection will reduce travel time particularly during peak hours and improve regional connectivity between the Towns of Cary and Morrisville.

Project Cost and Schedule

The project will conclude in 2019. There is currently no funding designated for design and construction of the future road improvements.


Luana Deans, PE Transportation Planning Engineer
Transportation & Facilities Department
(919) 467-1533