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Home MenuCary ADA Transition Plan
Cary ADA Transition Plan
Project Background
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 is a civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. There are five separate Titles (or sections) of the Act relating to different aspects of potential discrimination. Title II specifically addresses the subject of making public services accessible to those with disabilities.
The ADA Transition Plan contains a checklist for each of Cary’s facilities, parks, greenways, and curb ramps that identifies specific barriers and recommendations for their removal. Any of the ADA Transition Plan checklists are available upon request.
Project Scope
Cary strives to assure that all provided services and programs are accessible. A majority of Cary’s facilities have been designed, built, and renovated to comply with federal and state accessibility code requirements since 1990. Since some facilities may have barriers that could limit full access, accessibility consultants were hired in 2015 to assess all buildings, parks, and greenways and in 2019 to inventory and assess all of Cary’s street curb ramps to fully develop and complete Cary's ADA Transition Plan.
Staff budgeted and hired accessibility consultants to create the ADA Transition Plan instead of performing self-assessments. Considering that Cary has over 75 facilities, parks, and greenways and over 6,700 curb ramps, the amount of time, expertise, and response, hiring the consultants provided the fastest and most accurate means to begin barrier removal process.
- Facility, Parks & Greenway Assessments Completed Spring 2016
- Curb Ramp Assessments Completed March 2020
- RFQ - ADA Transition Plan Update Summer 2022
The total consultant fees to develop and complete the ADA Transition Plan was $264,100. Cary staff will budget the accessibility barrier removals annually with Cary’s Capital Improvement Plan. Since 2017, Cary has spent over $1.9 million in design fees and construction costs to remove the identified accessible barriers through ADA Improvement Projects. Since 2013, over 670 curb ramps have been repaired/replaced through Cary’s Street Improvements maintenance plan which repairs 5% of the streets, sidewalks and curb ramps every year within the assessed area.
For fiscal year 2021, Cary allocated $1 million to continue removing accessible barriers through individual and inclusion with other capital improvement and maintenance repair projects.
Reid Saunders
Architect & LEED AP
Transportation & Facilities Department
Town of Cary
(919) 380-2785